Correctness-by-Learning of Infinite-State Component-Based Systems


Sep 14, 2017


Haitham Bou-Ammar, Mohamad Jaber , Mohammad Nassar

Haitham Bou-Ammar, Mohamad Jaber , Mohammad Nassar

We introduce a novel framework for runtime enforcement of safe executions in component-based systems with multi-party interactions modelled using BIP. Our technique frames runtime enforcement as a sequential decision-making problem and presents two alternatives for learning optimal strategies that ensure fairness between correct traces. We target both finite and infinite state-spaces. In the finite case, we guarantee that the system avoids bad-states by casting the learning process as a one of determining a fixed point solution that converges to the optimal strategy. Though successful, this technique fails to generalize to the infinite case due to the need for building a dictionary, which quantifies the performance of each state-interaction pair. As such, we further contribute by generalizing our framework to support the infinite setting. Here, we adapt ideas from function approximators and machine learning to encode each state-interaction pairs’ performance. In essence, we autonomously learn to abstract similar performing states in a relevant continuous space through the usage of deep learning. We assess our method empirically by presenting a fully implemented tool, so-called RERL. Particularly, we use RERL to: 1) enforce deadlock freedom on a dining philosophers benchmark, and 2) allow for pair-wise synchronized robots to autonomously achieve consensus within a cooperative multi-agent setting.

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